Employee Spotlight: Amanda Pascavage on CF Industries' Inclusion Council

By: Corporate Communications
August 26, 2021
People, Sustainability


CF Industries’ diverse and talented workforce strengthens our operations. To accelerate our journey to be the fully inclusive company we aspire to be, we formed the Inclusion Council to serve as change agents and champions of our inclusion and diversity strategy. Amanda Pascavage, vice president, product management — ammonia, discusses her role on the council and lessons learned about career development and personal growth.

Tell us about your role.

My primary responsibility is to oversee our ammonia product line. I work closely with the sales and supply teams to provide market insights and customer pricing to deliver our annual sales plan while developing relationships with our key customers.

Tell us about the Inclusion Council and your involvement.

To me, the Inclusion Council represents our leaders’ support for improving diversity and inclusion while recognizing the value it brings to the organization and our employees.  We are seeing commitment from executive sponsors and senior leadership coupled with the growth of grass-roots employee involvement and engagement. Resources have been committed that lay the foundation to positively impact many employees’ careers.

My role on the council, along with the other members, is to ensure this initiative continues to evolve and grow. Council members are from varied backgrounds and differing roles at CF, providing an opportunity for many different perspectives to uplift the organization. Education and skill development, representation and belonging are our three main priorities.

How has CF supported your career growth?

CF is a performance-driven organization, so those who are willing and interested to take on new challenges will find support. My own CF career progression demonstrates this since I joined the organization in a manufacturing role based at a production facility and then had the opportunity to transition to corporate office in a logistics role and now am in a sales/commercial role. CF helps people get a breadth of experience and further develop their unique strengths.

What professional achievement are you especially proud of?

My sense of fulfillment in my work comes from the positive impact I have on the business and the caring I show for people. I feel most proud when I have meaningful conversations with people and help them on their journey of personal and professional development.

Do you have advice for women starting a career?

Look for your own opportunities and find difference makers in your field. A difference maker is someone from whom you can seek advice, mentorship and guidance as well as someone who is willing to invest time in your success and growth. Also, scout out what I call “singular brave decisions.” I can think back to moments in my own career where I had quick internal conversations with myself and took what I considered a “brave decision” to speak up or ask for an opportunity to pursue something. It’s far too common for women and others to second guess themselves; “Should I speak up?” “Should I say this?” “Should I take this risk?” It’s interesting to reflect on those single decision points and how they’ve impacted the trajectory of my career. I encourage everyone to look for their own moments to speak up and take that chance.

What excites you most about where CF is headed?
The endless possibilities ahead. Whether it’s the clean energy transition or other CF initiatives, our company is at a place where it can fundamentally change and grow into something even greater in the next five, ten and fifteen years. I’m always excited for the possibility of being better and having a positive impact, and I think CF is well positioned to do that.  It is an especially exciting time to be part of CF!